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Ana Lopez-Ricoy

MA in Instituto Mora, Mexico City

Undergraduate Studies at El Colegio de México, Mexico City

I am a PhD candidate in sociology. My research interests are around culture and arts as tools for political resistance. More specifically, I study art and the movement against feminicide in Mexico and the American continent.  Apart from that, I love to teach and I have taught SOCI 60 for two summers. This course is planned so you get familiar with important concepts and practices in social research. I have integrated exciting group activities, and for your class project you will be developing your own research proposals. Class is a mixture of online synchronous meeting sessions and offline work you do on your own.

Juárez Ramírez, Clara, Felipe Hevia de la Jara, Eugenia López Ricoy, Laura Georgina Freyemuth Joffre, eds. 2017. Entre El Activismo y La Intervención: El Trabajo de Organizaciones de La Sociedad Civil y Su Incidencia Para La Salud de Las Mujeres Indígenas En México. México : Ottawa: Alternativas y Capacidades A.C. : Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social ; Centro Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo.